Eric Byrd

Eric Byrd is the National Channel Manager for Kinetic Performance Dog Food with a focus on Police/Military K-9 teams across the country. Eric has been working closely with K-9 teams for the past eight years and has grown and developed relationships with multiple agencies and teams. Eric is an avid Quail hunter and has been training English Pointers for 20+ years. He started his pursuit of dog food nutrition after experiencing issues in his kennel that were hard to explain (low energy, decreased stamina, long recovery periods and messy kennels). In his pursuit of answers to these issues, Eric discovered Kinetic Performance Dog Food after many discussions with manufacturers across the pet food industry. Immediately, his kennel saw the results of what superior dog food nutrition can do and the many benefits the dogs experienced when the calorie/nutrient rich nutritional profile was being fed.

Eric then joined the Kinetic team in 2021 and has traveled the country giving canine nutritional classes and seminars to Police K-9 teams, Military K-9 teams and Bird Dog Field Trialers. His personal approach and experiences with dogs and their food weave together a nutritional class experience, that is both fun and informative, giving each handler a better understanding about the pet food industry and the ingredients they put into their K-9s.

Class: K-9 Nutrition: Is your Dog on the Right Fuel and How do you Know?

Does your dog itch continuously, lose hair, have a dull-stiff or brittle coat or show signs of coat dander or flaking? Do you feed him 5-6-7-8 cups of food or more a day to maintain his weight? Does your dog’s stool look like a cow patty, are they gassy? There is a reason for this and you don’t have to look much further than the bag of food…

This is a fast paced, interactive class that teaches the student; how to read a nutritional label, define what “that” ingredient is. How to tell a good dog food from a bargain brand and understand how minerals and vitamins get depleted in a K9 Officer and pictures of what happens when you don’t replace the nutrients. You don’t fuel a high-performance car or motorcycle with low octane gas and expect it to reach peak perform and it is the same with your K9 Athlete.

By the end of the class you will be armed with the ability to look at your canine and see the effects of poor diet and what changes you can do to correct them.