Aric Harris

Aric Harris grew up in the Schutzhund, and Law Enforcement canine training industry. He competed in competition obedience and USCA/ GSDCA Trials since he was a teenager. He has both studied and instructed helper work, decoying, street and sport work bite mechanics around the world, culminating a broad and varied experience along the way. He is an active level 3 Decoy with Honors with Working Dogs of America, as well as being a Judge within the organization. Aric and his Team competed last year in the WDA National Championship in the Police Dog division, bringing several placements including 1st place in the Police Dog lvl 2.
On top of his professional training and Sport development career, Aric is well known for working with Law Enforcement agencies and private security companies around the world in troubleshooting K9 behavior and modernizing development/ continued training of future K9 assets. His driving force is the modernization of training methods to improve the performance and efficiency in protection and L.E. K9’s. As an instructor, Aric has a hands on and engaging energy approach to demonstrating and teaching his classes.

Owner and Operator of THE IRON CANINE LLC

Class: Decoy & Bite Work

Adversarial Aggression Techniques, Personal Protection Technique and Controlled Aggression, during Decoy and Bite Work