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K-9 Trainer’s Course

K-9 Trainer’s Course

June 24 – August 2, 2024

Pipe Creek, TX

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Our trainer’s course is six (6) weeks long (TRCourse-03). This course covers: canine safety, care and maintenance of canine equipment/gear, canine health and well being, principle of conditioning, basic characteristic of odor, basic fundamentals of detector dog handling/searching techniques, fundamentals of odor imprinting (Instructor Lecture/Demonstration Only), fundamentals of odor recognition testing (Basic-Instructor Demonstration only), fundamentals of obedience, agility training, muzzle attack, attack/bite, scouts, building/structure searches, tracking/trailing, gunfire training, vehicle training, problem solving with detection, gaining control while maintaining drive,  and training records.

Trainers will be working with a minimum of four (4) dogs personally and be interacting with several other dogs in training during the course.  The course will be 20% classroom and 80% hands on training.