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Complete Reality Based Trainer Instructor Course

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Complete Reality Based Trainer Instructor Course


The Canadian Police Canine Association will be hosting Stress Exposure Training Canada in the delivery of a bundled reality based training instructor course. Although this course will cover off specific canine aspects to RBTI, the training curriculum will be applicable to all facets of law enforcement training.

Course package includes:

  • Stress vest Reality Based Training Instructor Course
  • Use of Force Reviewer Course
  • 5 Minute Fighter Course
  • Simunition Scenario Instructor & Safety Monitor Course
  • ADAPT Scenario Design
  • K9 Operational Readiness Decoys skills to include equipment targeting, civil, muzzle and scenario considerations

The course will be delivered in Orillia Ontario 31 Jan – 04 Feb 2022.
Hotels maybe booked at the Fairfield Inn Orillia with LEA rate of $89.00 / night Dress will be duty uniform, service issued use of force
Upon registration advise of non-lethal marking round caliber size required

Registration covers all training expenses as well as lunch and supper daily. (Ending Friday lunch) There are two levels of registration.

  • Registration link and questionsBradley Gillespie

