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Canine Liability 360

Canine Liability 360 

October 29 – 30, 2024
Antioch, CA
Hosted by Antioch Police Department

Click HERE for more information

CL360 is a 2-day (16 hours) course that serves as an essential phase for the handler and supervisor to assist in managing their K9 program and preparing for their potential “legal defense” to prevail in the event of a lawsuit or claim by examining TAC Team’s “360 Degrees of Responsibility” involving a single purpose patrol dog or cross-trained police service dog assigned to patrol and/or a tactical team.

CL360 course topics include:

  • “Reasons We Get in Trouble”
  • Report Writing
  • “Control and Case Law”
  • Policy & Operational Manual
  • Deposition & Trial Testimony
  • “Time on a bite”
  • Statistics & Defending Your K9 Program
  • Use of Force and K9 Deployments
  • Selection and Retention
  • Documentation
  • Performance Evaluations
  • Testing & Training
  • Deployments and Debriefs
  • “The Court of Public Opinion”
  • Dealing with Unintentional Bites
  • Evidence Collection & Retention
  • Off-Duty Care & Compensation
  • Supervision and Discipline

FEE: 325 per person

CONTACT: Bill Lewis II at sgtblewis2@aol.com

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