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Agitator I Course

Agitator I Course

January 25 – 26, 2024

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Who is this course for?

Attend one of our Transitional training or Agitator course and witness the science as well as the enhanced performance. Suitable Police Service Dogs can be transitioned in the 2 days with instruction on the proper methods to maintain the behaviors. Learn why we train the Guard and Bark behavior in our very successful Police Service Dogs and how we train for the behavior.

When presented properly the behavior will:

  • Greatly enhance performance
  • Offer additional officer safety
  • Enhance transitional training

As an added residual benefit, Adlerhorst dogs trained in the Guard and Bark behavior can and have been successfully placed on the witness stand in civil or criminal venues. Our best testimonials come from the attorneys we have defeated! To date, we have been successful in 100% of all cases we placed in front of a jury.