Scent Discriminate Patrol Dog Trails Suspected Car Thief

A Scent Discriminate Patrol Dog was used by the Winnebago County Sheriffs Office to trail a suspected car thief. Using the scent collection and trailing techniques developed by Scent Evidence K9, WCSO K9 Units are finding success with patrol dogs in searches usually deployed by bloodhounds.

Here are the details of a search conducted on 11-12-19 by the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office in IL.

On 11-12-19, Sr. Deputy, Eric Pearson, and K9 Chico were called to conduct a track from an unoccupied stolen vehicle in Winnebago County. Scent was collected from the vehicle. Chico was given the collected scent and a search was conducted. The track ended 1/2 mile from the vehicle. Video was obtained confirming the stolen vehicle turning onto the road where it was abandoned and a suspect that they had believed to be involved going to the vicinity where the trail ended. The trail was 8 hours old. This case is still under investigation at this time. Read More