Meet K-9 Knowlton

She’s the newest sheriff’s deputy, but she took a big bite out of crime her second day on the job.

If you’re the owner of a car, you don’t want to see K-9 Knowlton stop and sit. It means she sniffed out the drugs.

“By her temperament I could tell she was going to be a good worker,” said Robert Lent, St. Lawrence County sheriff’s deputy.

Last week, K-9 Knowlton proved those words true. On just her second day on the job, she sniffed out a big stash in a Chevrolet Trailblazer that Canton police had stopped.

“She alerted on the vehicle and we found cocaine, marijuana and money,” said Lent.

A lot: 29 grams of coke, 14 pounds of marijuana, and $24,000 cash. Canton police threw it right up on Facebook. Officers get pumped at this kind of bust. But Knowlton? Read More