Survey from Veterinary Tactical Group

Veterinary Tactical Group is a research, consulting, and tactical veterinary training company committed to improving the lives of our country’s working canines.  Our research team includes COL Janice Baker, DVM, DACVPM, Trinity Mauer, and Dr. Alex Moore.  We are currently conducting a study on hostile action canine injury and death with the goal of identifying risk factors and possible mitigation strategies.  If you have experienced a canine injury or death due to a hostile action we would greatly appreciate your response.

Any data collected from this study will not be personally identifiable in any future publication.  Name, department, and contact information is recorded only for follow up questions and only with your permission. I will likely follow up with respondents after survey submission to ask any specific questions.  In addition to this request for survey respondents, we may contact organizations that have a hostile action injury or death directly.  Veterinary records related to the incident are requested but not required for participation.

We understand and respect that these incidents are traumatic and we appreciate you taking the time to revisit the event.

If you have any questions related to the survey or research please contact Dr. Alex Moore at

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