8th grader hopes to reach goal to buy vests for K-9 officers

Signs of spring are blooming at Our Lady of Grace Catholic School in Noblesville. Everyone there knows that means the end of the school year is just around the corner.

“It’s been kind of hard to keep going because we’re so close and I really just want to get done with it and move on to high school,” said Luke Moody, who is in 8th grade.

Luke is doing his best to focus as he finishes his last few weeks at the middle school. Among other things standing in the way of summer, he has a global issues project to finish for science class.

“This is like their big science presentation versus a science fair for 8th grade,” said Angela Bond, who is Luke’s science teacher.

Some students decided to work on bringing alumni back to their campus for a kickball game, help people in Haiti or donate socks to the homeless. But Luke had a different idea.

“I did some research and I found that this was actually a pretty big problem,” said Luke. “A lot of police departments don’t have the funds to provide high quality vests for the K-9 officers.” Read More